Saturday, December 18, 2010

#Reverb10 - Try

Prompt for today:
Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something that you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you went for it?

In 2010, I tried something new, something that I've always wanted to try but never really got around to it. I got into the sport of rock-climbing and bouldering. This sport had been really intriguing to me in the past and I really respected the people who climbed often. They seemed so strong, treating their bodies and nature with respect. I know that sounds a little bit crunchy... but I really think that being in nature, coupled with some awesome exercise looked appealing.

So, I tried it. At UCLA, there's an amazing indoor rock wall that is free to all students. In order to use it, you have to take an introductory class for a few hours. So, I decided to be brave and enrolled. As a result, I learned some amazing tricks, tips, climbing knots, and got to know some friends at the wall. From then on, I got belay certified (a type of climbing certification) and began climbing a few times a week. I even got a little bag of chalk to hang around my waist, to give my hands some traction on the wall! (See? I'm totally legit now!) Unfortunately, I haven't gone climbing in over five weeks, with the craziness of finals, papers, and traveling. Hopefully when I get back to school, I'll get back into the swing of things.

As for 2011, I really want to experiment more with photography. As many of you know, I dabble in professional photography. I've shot weddings, families, couples, etc. But that's been on the back burner for a while, due to the demands of school. It's really a shame, because I really do love it. In 2011, I really want to try shooting with film. I mean, I know how to and I've done it in the past. But I want to make it even more of an emphasis. I especially like black and white film, its depth and texture. And who knows, maybe I'll post some film up here some time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! These are so juicy. Good on you for trying rock climbing this year. That seems like such a cool and fulfilling sport. I hope you pursue your photography in 2011, it sounds like you're passionate about it!
