Tuesday, December 21, 2010

#Reverb10 - Future Self

Prompt for today:
Future Self. Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? What would you tell yourself 10 years ago?

Future Self to Present:
I would tell myself that I shouldn't be so worried, that life won't be so complicated as I like to believe that it is. I'm making big decisions and yes, they will change my life. But they won't define me. My life is much more than a graduate degree or an address on a letter. I would like it to include a husband and family, hopefully one day. But in five years, almost anything can happen. I think I'd tell myself to be more flexible, to roll with the punches and enjoy the small things in life.

Honestly, life is complicated enough without adding my worries into it. I think I need to enjoy the ride from time to time, stopping to savor fleeting moments as they run by.

Present self to 13-year old Jessica:
(sigh) Grow up. Life gets better and you'll find people who "get" it. You'll hit your stride in college, I promise.

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