Wednesday, December 22, 2010

#Reverb10 - Travel

Prompt for today:
Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

Well, 2010 was a year of travel for sure. At the present, I'm based out of Los Angeles. I'm a student there and my life, for the moment, is at UCLA. However, I have traveled quite a bit this year. I was born and raised in the Philadelphia area, so I've flown back and forth for holidays and summer. In the US, I visited Washington DC and Louisville, as well as Palm Springs.

I also had the ability to travel internationally as well. I went to England and France. Specifically, I was in the cities of Stratford-Upon-Avon, London, and Paris. I had a fantastic time and learned so so much. There's nothing more that I love than traveling internationally. It was such a blessing to have this opportunity, something that I savored.

And in 2011, I'm going to try and return. As many know, I'm applying to a teaching program in France. So, we'll see if relocating to Europe is apart of my future. And even if I don't get accepted, I don't see any sort of end to my travel plans. I'm even considering some graduate programs in England. Who knows where I'll end up?

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