Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reverb10: Let Go

Prompt for today:
Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?

Wow. This prompt really hit close to home, almost too close. I'm not so sure that I feel comfortable saying this on a blog or even really talking about it too much these days. But let's just say that some relationships and friendships aren't meant to last forever, as much as you'd like them to. There is pain, there are tears. But more than that, I think the Lord is teaching me patience and that He has my ultimate best in mind.

It really doesn't matter what happened or who said what, but I know that my future is secure because of what Lord is doing in my life. I've gone through many dark days in this past year and I've been healing in wonderful ways. God has been using his Church and the saints to minister to my weary heart. And for that, I really am so very thankful.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow. That is a prompt that really makes you think! So good seeing you today- and hang in there with the paper writing! <3 !
