Friday, December 31, 2010

#Reverb10 - Core Story

Prompt for today:
Core Story. What central story is at the core of you, and how do you share it with the world?

As I look back on this year, all the changes that I've made, battles that I've won and lost, I realize that my "core story" has very little to do with me. The more I reflect on 2010, the more I see Christ's hand and guidance in my life. In every single thing, big or large, God has graciously provided for me. It's a humbling thing, to look back and realize all of my mistake and failures. I see Christ's mercy when I didn't deserve it. I see God's lovingkindness when I merited nothing but wrath. I see peace where pain and strife used to be.

You see, my story isn't the important one. The gospel, Christ's story, really does. Jesus' sacrifice for my sin has made the most impact, both in this past year and in my life. And as I wrap up 2010, all of my praise goes to the Lord. He alone has sustained and blessed me. I briefly considered writing something about my story or my impact on this year. However, it just doesn't seem to be anything significant. I mean, after all, I've been showered with blessings that I had nothing to do with. I couldn't earn them if I tried.

So in 2011, I eagerly anticipate Christ's direction for my life. A lot of important changes are coming my way, post-grad and such. It's another opportunity to trust in God. It's another challenge to seek things of the Lord. I pray that I rise to such a challenge and honor the Savior that I worship.

(Me and Rachie, picture taken yesterday)
2010? You taught me a lot and, I'll be honest, I'm not sad to see you go.
2011? Bring it on. I'm ready for you!!

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