Wednesday, December 8, 2010

#Reverb10 - Beautifully Different

Prompt for today:
Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different - you'll find they're what make you beautiful.

Honestly, I'm not the best judge of what makes me "different". But what I think makes me different is my attitude towards life. To me, the world is something that needs to be explored and savored. I'm not afraid to travel, to get outside of my comfort zone, to taste and smell cultures that differ from my own. I've said for years that the best feeling is to "be a fish out of water". It's true. One of my favorite things is inserting myself in a different culture and learning to adapt. Now, I haven't lived out of the US at all and hopefully that will change in a year, but traveling also affords me this opportunity.

I'm not scared of my future. I'm not afraid of experiencing odd things. I'm not worried about little things that paralyze people with fear. To be honest, being independent has been a huge part of my life. I've learned that beauty comes from the inside, from your heart. How you interact with the world and the people around you displays the beauty of personality.

The thing that makes me live without fear is the fact that Christ has my future. As I journey through life and experience a plethora of things, I know for certain that my steps have been planned. As a child of God, I have the security of heaven and eternal communion with Christ. And friends, that is beyond anything that this world and her bounty can afford. The joy of the Lord isn't something that comes with happiness in life - it comes by understanding the Gospel and Christ's sacrifice to call us his beloved. This joy and this gospel gives me true freedom in life and the peace in my soul.

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