Sunday, December 19, 2010

#Reverb10 - Healing

Prompt for today:
Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?

I know the answer to that question. The one and only reason that I am healed comes through the power of Christ's blood for me. Without my Savior, I am lost and nothing. Jesus didn't just come to heal my heartaches and sad days, he came to save me from the power of sin and death. So in a sense, Christ healed me through his mercy and lovingkindness, via the Church and wonderful Godly friends. But He did a much greater thing for me when He laid down his life for me, a sinner. I did nothing to deserve his grace and mercy. In fact, I was running the other way! But God saw fit to save me, even from myself. Sacrificially, He gave his Son to be the eternal payment for my sins, my wrongs, my transgressions. Because of Christ's overwhelming love and sacrifice, I have peace with God. I have freedom from sin and death. I have power over the grave, through Jesus.

So, friends. This is healing. It's not a yoga class or some goddess weekend camping in the woods. Healing isn't introspection or reading more intuitive books. It doesn't come with human affections. Healing isn't permanent, at least not the kind that people can offer. The only true healing comes from Christ Jesus, through what He did at Calvary. The goal of my life is to reflect this truth, to share His mercy and grace in my life in every facet of my being. By becoming a slave for Christ, I have more freedom than I ever thought possible.

And as for 2011 and the years to come, I am confident that Christ reigns supreme over all. He has showered my life with lovingkindness in 2010, showing me his mercy. I have no reason to doubt him. So I step into this new year amazed and grateful. Praise the Lord!

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