Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reverb10: Change & Rebirth

I signed up for a blogging challenge for the month of December at Reverb. Basically, the premise is that they give you a prompt each day of  December and you blog about it. Sounds cool, yeah? I'm going to give it my best shot! 
Here's the prompt for today (December 1): 
One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

2010 - Change
This year has completely turned my world upside down. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone in so many different ways, academically, spiritually, relationally. The things that I thought were solid, weren't. I've gained friends, I've lost friends, I've traveled to Europe, I've written papers, I've cried more than I ever have in my entire life, and I've laughed so hard that I've cried. But through all of it - the sleepless nights and early mornings, the Lord has been faithful and merciful to me. I have been able to see true joy. There is something precious that comes with pondering and meditating on the salvation that I have been given through Christ. Even in my darkest hours (and there were many), I have seen the peace of the gospel and the lovingkindness of the Lord. So yes... change definitely describes my 2010. It's been a difficult transition, but one that I'm ultimately thankful for.

2011 - Rebirth.
This may sound like an odd term, but I believe that my life truly is going to change within this year. I'm graduating from UCLA, I'll be (Lord-willing) moving to France, applying for graduate schools, etc. So many key pieces of my life are going to be moving. In a way, I feel as if my whole existence is going to be shifted, reborn. I'm can't wait to see the way that the Lord provides for me as my future unravels. It's exciting to anticipate all the changes, as big and scary as they may seem. I'm confidant that the Lord will guide me in the right directions. He is a wonderful Father, and I am a beloved child. 

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