Monday, December 6, 2010

Reverb10: Make

Prompt for today:
Make. What was the last thing that you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make but need to clear some time for it?

Hmm. I don't really make anything specific. The closest thing that I can think of is food. If you know anything about me, (which you should by now) you'll understand that I am a foodie. I love cooking in any and all forms. I love trying new things with obscure recipes and ingredients. I try to re-create dishes that I love or that I think I can improve upon. In my kitchen, I treat it like a laboratory and I'm the crazy scientist.

That being said, I make food all the time. Every day, I'm trying something different. Or at least, I attempt to. Sometimes my schedule gets muddy (cough finals cough) and I don't really get to stretch out like I'd prefer to. One culinary everest for me: the elusive macaron. I have tried at least 3 times to get this recipe right, but to no avail. These cookies are temperamental and require so so much.

That being said, I have failed with these cookies multiple times. And to be honest, I'm not really used to culinary failure. The last disaster in the kitchen? Burning grilled cheese for a handsome gentlemen and setting the fire alarm off. The only reason I burned it was due to the fact that I was nervous/excited to see him. (My hands were shaking.) So yeah... I was definitely humbled by my defeat by macarons.

So... I need some time (summer) to really experiment. I also may need to buy all the eggs in the grocery store in order to do that... the jury's still out.

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