Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yeah. That's right. I am, after several months of dreaming about it, compiling a vinyl collection.

The only problem? I don't exactly have a record player. And besides, it's harder to pick up rare vinyl albums than a player. I can always buy a turntable. But the records... that's the harder thing to find. So I am, in a sense, striking while the iron is hot. But honestly, I have always loved vinyl albums. The sound quality is amazing and there's nothing like actually putting a record on to play. It was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. So, there's a little bit of nostalgia involved.

But here's the "twist" in my collection. I'm trying to get more modern tracks and LP's. For example, I recently bought Iron & Wine's album "Our Endless Numbered Days" and Bon Iver's album "For Emma, Forever Ago". I like the idea of an album as a collective whole, listened to straight through. And not to mention, the artwork on the albums is beautiful when it's blown up LP size. I'm basically buying albums that I already own and love, but would want to listen to on a record.

That doesn't mean that I wouldn't want some classic rock or classical music in my collection! By all means, I grew up on that stuff. It was quite interesting. When I was young, I'd hear/play Bach or Chopin and then listen to the Beatles or Rush. Talk about contrast... but I think that it's made me more musically well rounded, allowing my tastes to be extremely varied.

An example of some other contemporary albums on my list?
The Weepies - By My Thrill
Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
Ray LaMontagne - Trouble
Coldplay - Parachutes

...but there's a lot more where that came from

If you had an album that you'd like to see on a record,
which one would it be?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday Night

The Lonely Forest - "Turn Off This Song (Acoustic)"

This came on the shuffle rotation today on my iPhone. Basically, I load as many songs as will fit on my iPhone and put it on shuffle. That way when I walk to school, I'm always surprised and delighted. Today was no exception. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This Week

Oh I don't love you, but I always will.

Once in a while, I feel like this song. It doesn't happen all the time. But when it does, it's like a dull ache that you can't get rid of. It hugs you like the evening chill and follows you like a shadow. Most of my 2010 was composed of trudging through this emotional mire. And, by God's grace, it's getting better and better each and every day.

But there are some days, like today, where I think about what has transpired. I am thankful but I'm also cognizant of the fact that I can't stay here. Trudging through the past is like running in circles, chasing one's tail. It's about moving forward, onward and upward. I've taken so many wonderful and happy steps since then. But sometimes, I'm acutely aware of any sort of "lingering".

So listen to the song, appreciate its beauty, shake the dust off of your soul, and keep soldiering on.
That's what I do.

And I'm completely thankful.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

La Bible

Okay guys. I have something really really really exciting to share with you.
I recently purchased the Bible in French. I've really been wanting a copy,
to learn some Bible terminology, study, and read! It's a great chance to
learn more about the gospel and study my French at the same time.

And honestly, I'm a really fast reader (when I read in English) so it's
easy for me to gloss over a chapter in no time at all. But when I read
in French, I take care to understand every word, looking up those that
I don't know with a dictionary. Therefore, studying and doing my
devotions with the Bible in French means, at least for me, that I'll be taking
more and more time. That's awesome! That means that I'll be spending
some quality time with my Savior, critically thinking about the Gospel.

How cool is that?

Saturday, January 22, 2011


So, I've had the song stuck in my head "Les Passants" by the French artist Zaz. Her voice is really really unique, like a gypsy Edith Piaf. Needless to say, she's getting rave reviews for her jazzy blues style and introspective lyrics. I thought I'd share this song with you guys. It's beautiful and definitely unique.

At the beginning of the video, she says that this song is, translated,
her view of life in general. And the song basically deals with the
passing of life and how everything just seems changing.

A quote from the lyrics:
"L'automne dèja, c'était l'été hier encore, le temps me surprend,
semble s'accélérer, les chiffres de mon age, m'amènent vers ce moi rêver"

Loosely translated, this means:
"The autumn already, it was summer yesterday again. The time 
suprises me, seems to accelerate.  The digits (years) of my age seem
to bring me to this dream."

Interesting, no? Take a listen for yourself.

p.s. Her bass player is amazingly talented. For reals. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Brace Face

Oh yes... this is really really excellent and happy news, at least for me.
I had a routine orthodontist's appointment today, something that I always
dread because it means that my mouth will be in pain for 48+ hours.
But besides that, I received really really good news. Ready?

I could be braces free in 1-2 months!!! 

This is huge news for someone like me, someone who has
had braces for around a year and a half. I'm so so excited
at the thought of getting rid of them! They're clumsy,
awkward, unattractive, and painful.

So, I'm definitely rejoicing... it's making all the discomfort
totally worth it. HOORAY!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Kinks

For some reason, this song has been in my head all day today.
Dad, you really taught me what good music is. And for that, I'm
really really thankful.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Happy First Birthday, Rosie B!
You have no idea how much I love you and am
thankful for you! Sweet girl, I can't wait to see
what the Lord has in store for you as you grow
and change in the future. I can't believe how
much you've changed in one short year. My prayer
is that God would continue to shower you and
your family with lovingkindness as we all
celebrate your very first year. I am so blessed to
be a part of your life, even from out here in Los
Angeles. I treasure every moment we get
together, as short and sweet as they may be.

I love you so much today and will even more in the days to come! 
Happy Happy Birthday!! 

With all the love in the world, 
Auntie Jess 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Come Weary Saints

I've been in the market for a new CD or two, just to get me through some tiring weeks at school. I decided to pick up Sovereign Grace Music's new-ish album Come Weary Saints. Basically, it offers Biblically centered and sound tunes that deal with the topic of suffering/pain/problems. 

And in the, oh I don't know, five minutes that I've been listening to it, I've been encouraged by the first track, exhorted to "hide away in the love of Jesus". Wow. Powerful stuff, no? Lately I've been pushed by life's circumstances to seek my entirety of joy in the gospel, to find my happiness in the sacrifice of Christ. And oh... my life is so much fuller with that in mind! 

(Bob Kauflin explaining the concept of the album.)

("I Have A Shelter" - a song on the album)

The goal of this post? To get you to buy this album and tell me how much you love it. 
Ready? Go!!

A Breath

Oh hello, my little blog...
Since Reverb10 is over, (along with 2010) It's been a little bit odd thinking of "what" to say. It's those times of my year/life that I don't really have many words. I guess because nothing has happened that should/can be put out on the internets. So... you're going to deal with some radio static from time to time.

In lieu of ama-za-zing news etc, I've decided to share some prayer requests with all of you.

- Wisdom. A little bit vague, right? Well, it's sort of a blanket prayer request. I need heavenly wisdom in a variety of situations with which I find myself. I know that all good things come from God, if I ask. And right now? I'm asking for some clarity. 'Nuf said.

- Plans. I officially applied for the French Teaching program. I'll find out in April. Okay. Here's the specific part of my prayer request. I'm praying to be located in/extremely near the city of Aix-en-Provence. The Lord can move mountains and I'm trusting him, ultimately, to put me where He wants me. The reason for this specific city? This is the location of the only reformed French speaking seminary in the world. And amazingly, I have a contact there via my father's church. So... I'm praying that I can do some serious ministry with the French speaking church while I'm there. And if I'm not placed specifically there, pray that I'll be put somewhere that I can be plugged into a gospel preaching church.

So... that's all for now. Thanks, friends!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yum Yum Yum

Want an amazing cup of flavored coffee? I think that I've found the "magic formula" for the perfect cup, full of flavor! Now, I'm not one to take my coffee straight, or black. I like it sweet and I like flavor in it. I'm also not a huge fan of calories or too much sugar. And to top it off, the job of "student" doesn't really pay well. So... I had to get a little bit creative. 

A few months ago, I bought a single-cup brewer. Basically, it's a $5.00 plastic filter, coupled with a disposable filter. It allows me to brew exactly one cup at a time, without any waste or complication. All I do it boil water and pour it through the filter. I have a fresh brewed cup of coffee in less than 3 minutes! 

Melitta Filter Cone Coffee Brewer

I brew this type of coffee. I love vanilla flavor and have found that it compliments coffee's natural flavor and aroma. It smells delicious! 

Starbucks Natural Infusions Vanilla Coffee

After I brew the coffee, I add about a tablespoon or two of Coffee-Mate Irish Cream creamer. I either add this or Trader Joe's French Vanilla Creamer. They didn't have a picture for me to add. It makes the coffee so velvety and smooth! No sugar necessary! 

Coffee-Mate Irish Cream Creamer

The final step in perfect coffee? Adding a teaspoon of some sort of "shot" to it. In my case, I've chosen Hazelnut Sugar Free Syrup. It's delicious without any guilt what-so-ever! Yum! 

Torani Sugar Free Hazelnut Syrup

And there you have it! Coffee without any sort of guilt but with TONS of flavor and personality! Best of all, it's only 2 Weight Watchers points. Score!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Tunes

Dreamy song for a Friday afternoon...

Jump Little Children - "Mexico"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Encouraging, n'est ce pas?

So I'm going to break up this "seriousness" of this blog for a little bit.
The Reverb10 posts have been a little, well, intense. They're really intense
and require me to look back on some days that I'd rather not. But 2011 is
a new year. A clean slate, a new literal decade.

Since I very well may be living in France at this time next year, I've been
encouraged by some French believers. It's amazing at the way that the
body of Christ transcends language, culture, tradition, age. It just goes to
show the permeance of the gospel, how it fills up all the spaces.

Jesus is the hope of nations. L'espoir des nations. It's been so encouraging
to my heart to realize that Christ didn't just come to save Jews, Greeks, Americans.
He came for the whole world. Salvation is a global thing, for the believer. So I pray
as the Lord's will unfolds in my life, in reference to moving overseas, that I'll be
able to serve the global church and to be encouraged by other believers,
regardless of ethnic origin or nationality.

So, I've posted a video of a French version of Hillsong's song "Mighty to Save".
Not that I'm all keen on Hillsong's theology, but I really like this song because
it focuses on Christ's power to save. It reminds me that He has the power to
overcome anything to give salvation to his children. Nothing stands in his
way; language, culture, death. We are His because he chose us, purchased
us, loves us. I don't know about you, but that fills me with so much joy.

p.s. This video is set to the English version of the song, so it's kinda strange to watch
French words "coming" from their mouths. It kinda makes me laugh... Anyway,
just listen to the song.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Freezing Cold

Los Angeles is cold this weekend. Not just chilly. But cold. It's the kind that
lingers even within the warmth of your apartment, it settles in the corners of your
day and follows you wherever you go. It's the kind of cold that gets you to the bone.

Now, I grew up in Philadelphia. I know something about being cold. We grew up
expecting snow, ice, rain. Winter was part of the process, a part of our routine. Every
year, like clockwork, we'd bundle up with scarves and mittens. We'd put salt on our driveway
and anti-skid tires on our car. We'd even decorate the bleak winter snow with snowmen or
tunnels carved into big drifts. There was a way to make some sort of warmth
and happiness out of the cold.

But in Los Angeles, there is no joyful expectation of any sort of cold. We act surprised
when any incliment weather occurs, no matter the time of year or type of weather.
My theory is this: I'm so much colder in Los Angeles because it doesn't feel right.
This city is supposed to be warm and sunny, full of expectation and promise. My
reaction is based on expectation, or the lack thereof. And no matter where I go, I
can't seem to get warm. I can't shake this lingering and wrapping feeling of being cold,
inside and out. The chill follows me like a phantom, tracing my steps. And let me tell you,
this doesn't feel right.

The same feeling can be transferred to my feeling of expectation, about life in general.
When the things that I expect from myself, from my surroundings, change and modify
in ways that I don't necessarily like, it's sometimes hard to cope. When I don't get the
grade that I want or the relationship that I've worked for, how do I react? Often, I let
that disappointment follow me like the cold. It haunts me, follows me, lives in my back pocket.
Now, I'm not saying that all expectations are inherently bad. It's how I react to disappointment
that needs to be altered.

I need to rest on the Lord's sovereignty in all things.I have to expect that my plans and ambitions
will be thwarted. Staying my heart on things that will not change or shift (the Gospel) is the only way
to avoid disappointment. Christ promises his believers some amazing things: eternal bliss and communion
with himself and the Father, the Church as guide and comfort, other believers to run the race with us, and
the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives to confront our spirits and guide us. These promises of God
are the real expectations, the truth to set my heart on. It is through Jesus Christ alone that my soul is satisfied
and at rest. Nothing else satisfies like He does. And that is the greatest reward, better than any expectation
that I may have.

P.S. I'm computer-less for a week so please bear with me, as my posts may be a bit sporatic. My hard drive crashed and I lost everything - photos, music. Precious memories that I can't get back. Thanks for your patience and support!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chaos, and not the good kind

January first. Delta lost my luggage. I had no cellphone charger. Waited at the airport for two hours trying to make a claim. Finally got home. It started to rain, no food in the fridge. My apartment was freezing cold. My laptop refused to start up, leaving me with a dead cellphone. Fell asleep with jeans on. Woke up the next morning, hurried to Best Buy to get a phone charger. I went to the Apple Store, they set up an appointment for later today. It doesn't look good and I really don't want my laptop wiped. But my baggage got delivered today. That's the good news. Other good news? My iPhone is charged.

The best news? God is sovereign over all of this chaos, even with school starting tomorrow. Phew. Happy new year?

My laptop is completely dead. All music. All photos. Gone. This is frustrating but the Lord is still sovereign. I'm trusting him to provide for me, especially as some of myost precious memories are gone. Sad day, indeed

Saturday, January 1, 2011

#Reverb10 - Review

As many of you guys know, I've participated in a blogging challenge for the month of December, called Reverb10. It gives you a prompt every day, reflecting on the past year. I've really enjoyed thinking critically through the events of this past year, how I've grown and been challenged. In retrospect, I've really enjoyed reflecting on the grace and mercy of the Lord through some stormy waters in 2010. So, to recap my experience with Reverb10, I've decided to post my top 5 favorite posts. Peruse at your leisure and feel free to leave me some comments!