Oh hello, my little blog...
Since Reverb10 is over, (along with 2010) It's been a little bit odd thinking of "what" to say. It's those times of my year/life that I don't really have many words. I guess because nothing has happened that should/can be put out on the internets. So... you're going to deal with some radio static from time to time.
In lieu of ama-za-zing news etc, I've decided to share some prayer requests with all of you.
- Wisdom. A little bit vague, right? Well, it's sort of a blanket prayer request. I need heavenly wisdom in a variety of situations with which I find myself. I know that all good things come from God, if I ask. And right now? I'm asking for some clarity. 'Nuf said.
- Plans. I officially applied for the French Teaching program. I'll find out in April. Okay. Here's the specific part of my prayer request. I'm praying to be located in/extremely near the city of Aix-en-Provence. The Lord can move mountains and I'm trusting him, ultimately, to put me where He wants me. The reason for this specific city? This is the location of the only reformed French speaking seminary in the world. And amazingly, I have a contact there via my father's church. So... I'm praying that I can do some serious ministry with the French speaking church while I'm there. And if I'm not placed specifically there, pray that I'll be put somewhere that I can be plugged into a gospel preaching church.
So... that's all for now. Thanks, friends!
I will definitely pray for this.