Sunday, August 16, 2009

Much Needed

I have just come to the realization that it has been WAY too long since I have blogged at all! Since I left you last, life has been pretty good. I finished all of my finals, moved to Westwood, came back to PA to visit family, flew back to LA to shoot a wedding, met baby Asher, came back to PA a second time, and had a whirlwind tour of NYC. Suffice it to say, I'm breathless.

All in all, life is pretty good. It has its ups and downs, certainly. But God is good and sustains me. I guess one of the reasons that I'm blogging is because my 22nd birthday is in two short days. For some reason, turning one year older causes me so much introspection. It's not all bad thought, just churning over the last year of my life. In some ways, I make more resolutions on my actual birthday than at New Years. So, in the spirit of the "holiday", I want to list off a few of my birthday resolutions and aspirations. Here's ten of them.

1. Be more consistent in my times of prayer.
2. Treat the Bible and my time in it with increased reverence.
3. Read a book, any book, (for fun) at least once a month.
4. Deepen meaningful friendships with those who are close to me.
5. Go to bed/wake up at a reasonable and, hopefully early, hour.
6. Go rock climbing, indoor or outdoor, on a more regular basis.
7. Devote a decent chunk of my time to learning French.
8. Serve USC GOC with ever-increasing fervor.
9. Journal and blog with regularity.
10. Learn how to guard my heart even more.

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